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Leslie Dent

On her birthday, family and friends toast Leslie’s
friendship, her laugh and her ability to maintain balance in life.

 Leslie was described as “a role model for all women who have career and family goals.”

As Leslie Dent celebrates her birthday, friends and family celebrate her friendship, her laugh and her ability to maintain balance in her life.

Her brother, Wade Dent, says, “Growing up with Leslie has developed in me an insatiable desire for knowledge and achievement. All through high school, teachers would say, ‘Oh, you’re Leslie’s brother. She was my favorite student!’ Her greatest display of academic prowess came in Trivial Pursuit game with our brother, Bob. He asked her, ‘What weighs 6,600 billion billion tons?’ Leslie confidently answered, ‘the great blue whale.’ Stunned, Bob paused and then replied, ‘You mean the great, Great, GREAT blue whale.’ My hope is to someday find that great, Great, GREAT blue whale and let it pull a banner saying, ‘Les, I love you! Thanks for leading by example!’ ”

Jen, Alison and LD at Montana-Fish.
Terry Rice recalls “for about 35 years Leslie has listened to my problems and heard my secrets. She is always interested in my life and my children and always has a ready chuckle. Through all the years and all of the high-powered law partners, Leslie has never lost the goodness of heart, the right-mindedness or the benevolence of her childhood. She is the epitome of kindness and integrity and is a very dear friend.”

Polly Moore recalls meeting Leslie “freshman year at Vanderbilt and immediately felt a kindred spirit. We went through rush together, joined the Kappas, went to concerts, had many late nights and lived together in Mayfield. Whenever we get together it seems like we’ve never been apart. LD is one of those rare individuals that I am unbelievably fortunate to count as a friend.”

Don Hazell says “LD has the most wonderful combination of intelligence, warmth, curiosity, openness, and humor. Her unique personality is embodied in her smile and her laugh. Jennifer and I were introduced to this on a trip to Spain. After dining on Suckling Pig, we proceeded back to Madrid with the trophy from the meal: the ears of the pig. We got lost and stopped to ask directions. Leslie proceeded to hang her head and a pig’s ear out the window, but could hardly ask for directions because we were all laughing so loud. Her laugh continues to bring us joy to this day.”

Jennifer Hagman adds: “Leslie strives for graciousness and dignity in her life, and in her accommodations, and rarely settles for less. I have so many wonderful memories of experiences with her, and look forward to many more! She has the best sense of humor, and we have cried together too many times over absurd and hilarious ideas.”

Leslie and Cannon
Tully Hazell also told an LD trip story. “We were traveling in Salamanca, Spain, known for its cheese shops. She insisted she be allowed to inspect the large cheese shop at the town square before we left that morning. We agreed I would wait for her in the fully-loaded rental car for the 10 minutes it would take her. The 10 minutes became 20, 30, then 45. A full 4-plus hours later, I found a security guy who spoke some English to drive around with me. We spotted a desperate-looking LD in the back of a cab. She had gotten horribly lost in the same-looking streets around the square, but true to her determined character, she still had the cheese.”

Alison Lee also remembers trips with Leslie. “Leslie and I love deep-sea fishing. Scott, Leslie, my husband Paul and I have an annual trip over Memorial Day weekend. Whether it’s dorado in Puerto Rica or red snapper in Costa Rica, one thing for certain is that LD will catch a feast for dinner! Having LD as a friend is like having your own personal clothing consultant. She got tired of looking at me in the same old clothes and had me in and out of Nordstroms in less than 45 minutes with 10 beautiful outfits – and I never had to leave the dressing room! When I think of Leslie, words like strong, intelligent, compassionate and loyal come to mind. She is not afraid to challenge you and I have often benefited from her wisdom on difficult issues. LD has always been there for me and I feel honored to have her in my life.”

Cyndi Fulton comments that, “We tend to look at our lives like chapters in a book … childhood, college, professional, motherhood, etc. Leslie and I met after both of us moved to Atlanta as young professionals. This special friendship spans over half of the chapters in my book. I wish Leslie continued success and happiness in this new chapter of her book.”

Above: Millennium-Fish
Below: Scott and LD on St. Bart’s
Susan Viers was moved to quote “Robert Louis Stevenson, who said ‘A friend is a gift you give yourself’ and I believe Leslie is a gift to us all. I shall always treasure her friendship and love her forever. She’s the best friend one could ever have.”

Laura Day Calk says, “LD has been my neighbor for 15 years. We discovered we share the initials LD and were born two months apart. She is a career woman and I am a stay-at-home mom. She is reserved and elegant; I am loud and kind of goofy, but we have become true friends over time. LD is kind, nonjudgmental, supportive, independent, intelligent, and courageous. Her determination to hang in there when the going gets tough is an inspiration to me. With a nurturing soul and a fun-loving spirit, she is a blessing to have for a friend.”

Anita Sharpe says, “When people have asked me to describe Leslie, I say that she has a brilliant mind, a warm heart and an infectious laugh. And sometimes, I tell them the story about how, roughly 15 years ago, Leslie stood up to a sexist associate by throwing a drink in his face.”

Mona Brown Harty says “Leslie is one of the smartest, strongest women I know. She serves as a phenomenal role model for all women who have career and family goals. With a son in her life now, Leslie serves as the prime example of a woman who can put family first, while maintaining her own identity and career. I have a tremendous amount of respect for her and on top of her familial and career dedication, she manages to be an extremely giving and supportive friend.”

And finally, her husband, Scott Riley says, “Clearly the best decision (some would say the ONLY good one) I have ever made was asking Leslie to marry me. It continues to astonish me how Leslie is always happy, pleasant, and truly wonderful to be around, whether things are good or bad. With the addition of Cannon to our family I am not sure that my life could get any better. I constantly wonder what I did to deserve such a wonderful wife and family. Thanks, LD. I love you.”


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